Auto insurance is an absolute necessity for anyone who drives a car. The amount of minimal coverage required varies from state-to-state, as well as the types of policies offered and their costs.
There are a plethora of small details that influence car insurance quotes. Some of these details are as follows.
Good driver discount- It makes sense that if you are a driver who is constantly getting points on your record, and getting into "fender-benders," then the cost of insuring you is going to be much higher than somebody with a perfect driving record.
Good student discount- if you are a good student and can prove it with transcripts, some companies, such as AAA, will offer discounts. It is the belief that a responsible student can make for a responsible driver.
Senior discount- if you are a senior, then you are eligible for a certain degree of savings from many companies.
Safe vehicle discount- If you a driving a car that is listed as safe, or have made improvements to your car that make it more safe, then a majority of insurance companies will offer discounts on the cost of your coverage.
Location discount- if you are living in a small, rural town as opposed to a large, metropolitan city, you are likely to receive discounts to the cost of your coverage.
When it comes time to choosing your coverage options, there are generally a large number from which to choose from, (dependent on location) although for the most part, the basic coverage options stay the same. Examples of car insurance policy categories include:
Standard Liability Insurance
Underinsured/Uninsured Motorist Insurance
Medical Payments Insurance
Collision & Comprehensive Insurance